Home > Help & Advice > CCTV buying guide > DVR Buying Guide > The DVR in history
Until relatively recently the job of the DVR was done by several different bits of equipment. On-screen arrangement of the camera, images were done by a thing called a multiplexer which allowed each camera to be viewed in sequence or several cameras to be displayed on a split-screen. The resulting image was then stored on a video recorder which had to have its cassette constantly changed as it filled up. To try and extend tape recording times time-lapse photography was used whereby each camera took a snapshot every second or every few seconds.
Modern DVRs have revolutionised CCTV. They can be set up and left alone, you don't have to change videotapes or press buttons on a daily basis. Everything is done automatically and weeks of high-quality footage can be stored on the internal hard drive. They come packed with features such as motion-triggered recording and email alerts, they can also be viewed remotely over the internet.
DVRs can be quite complicated and navigating your way around all of the various features, many of which are rarely used is a minefield. Before deciding on our DVR range we tested lots of products and found that in many cases there were significant shortfalls between what was promised and what was delivered.
At CCTV42 our recorders allow simple operation whilst at the same time offering high levels of functionality to those who need it. We don't stock lots of different brands, there is no need. Our equipment does everything you will require of it and by concentrating on one range we can offer unrivalled after-sales support due to our intimate product knowledge.